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Reiki Healing Treatments in Exeter, Devon
with Usui Reiki Therapist

Call Alison on 07974359448 to book your treatment

Alison practices Reiki Therapy at Zamora Natural Health and Beauty Her particular experience includes using energy therapy to address anxiety, stress, fatigue (e.g. post viral fatigue, M.E), spinal problems, chronic pain, insomnia, migraines, relationship difficulties, birth trauma and 'stuck' injuries etc where nothing else seems to work.


Reiki Therapy traditionally also includes Mindfulness teachings and Alison has completed further Mindfulness Teacher training with Mindfulness Now. Clients often find Mindfulness tips useful in maintaining their own wellbeing between sessions. Alison uses Reiki Therapy and Mindfulness daily in her own life. She is immensely inspired by the workings of Reiki Therapy; by watching Clients' spiritual journeys and is often inspired by archetypal journey or dream images eg as depicted on the welcome page (  Heart chakra energy has become very important to her. If we can begin to treat ourselves and others with compassion, much of our life seems to fall into place.

Alison has a particular interest in Post Viral Fatigue including Long Covid and has found a holistic approach paramount to recovery. Alison can address the root causes as well as the many disturbing symptoms involved; using Craniosacral or Reiki Therapy. Many clients have found Alison's work extremely helpful and have started seeing improvements after only a small number of sessions and feel empowered by ways they can help themselves.


Reiki Therapy practitioners channel 'ki' energy to work with a client’s own ki system. This can improve function of the mind, body and spirit, allow healing and break down any blockages. This ‘ki ‘ or ‘chi’ energy is also found in Martial Arts, Acupuncture and Tai Chi and Reiki is now often combined with Chakra work.


Reiki originated in Japan as Mikao Usui taught others a path to enlightenment, with healing abilities as a side extra. Late in his life, Mikao developed the use of symbols so that he could teach Medical Officers to heal more quickly. Variations of these symbols are now used throughout the world in various different branches of Reiki. Alison has studied the Japanese style of Reiki in Exeter, which is as close as possible to Mikao Usui's original method.


During a first treatment of Reiki Therapy Alison takes a case history and then uses a variety of hand positions to channel ‘ki’  where it is needed. Alison would love to hear from you and invites you to find out more or book an appointment for Reiki Therapy in Exeter.

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